[Chicago] Shall ChiPy have a "project night"?

Jason Wirth wirth.jason at gmail.com
Thu Aug 29 21:24:11 CEST 2013

I'm  down... But two questions...

1) Whats your definition of "night"? It's often hard for me remake nights
with my crazy schedule, Chipy meetings are hard enough (but they are so
awesome so I go out of my way), but I'd be down for organizing
weekday events, like Friday afternoons.

2) What if I don't like curry in a hurry? ;)


On Thursday, August 29, 2013, Asheesh Laroia wrote:

> Hey ChiPy folks! I'm a vagabond Python community organizer, and in a diff
> thread, Brian mentioned my idea that ChiPy host a thing called a project
> night. So I thought I'd take a moment to elaborate and see what y'all think.
> As context:
> Project nights are user group meetings where attendees come with their
> laptop computers and a desire to work on something Python-related. These
> kinds of meetings are often the first thing that user groups add when they
> want to become more welcoming to newcomers. They're intended to be
> open-ended, social, and inviting. No agenda, just encouraging people to
> work on whatever they'd like and/or find other people to work with.
> I explain more here: http://user-groups-beta.**
> openhatch.org/#project-night<http://user-groups-beta.openhatch.org/#project-night>
> I'm on a mission to help more Python user groups be more interesting and
> welcoming to newcomers, so I thought I'd see here what people think. First,
> a quick request; I'm trying to gauge interest, so if you would like this
> sort of meeting, reply to me <asheesh at asheesh.org> with:
> +1
> The event is pretty easy to run; it requires finding a venue with laptop
> space, and then making a sign-up page that has some friendly, inclusive
> language. (And you can even copy other groups' sign-up pages if you click
> on the above link to find samples.)
> Some user groups (like Boston's) run one project night and one
> lecture-style meeting night monthly. I would say, try doing one first, see
> how ChiPy likes it, and then dream about committing to a frequency.
> So, second -- if there's someone on the list willing to be the organizer
> of such an event, please stand up. (-: If not, I'll have to call on
> someone. (-;
> I'm on the list, and happy to discuss the idea further and take questions
> about how it works, what the goals are, etc. Hopefully many of those are
> answered at the link I gave, but who knows; that's why it says, "beta".
> -- Asheesh.
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Jason Wirth
    wirth.jason at gmail.com
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