[Chicago] Shall ChiPy have a "project night"?

Yarko Tymciurak yarkot1 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 29 22:14:12 CEST 2013


(with the caveats Jason WIrth already raised).

I'd also be up for an "afternoon" - but for me that would be a Thursday
afernoon (my "work from home / work on my own" days).

- Yarko

- Yarko

On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 2:24 PM, Jason Wirth <wirth.jason at gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm  down... But two questions...
> 1) Whats your definition of "night"? It's often hard for me remake nights
> with my crazy schedule, Chipy meetings are hard enough (but they are so
> awesome so I go out of my way), but I'd be down for organizing
> weekday events, like Friday afternoons.
> 2) What if I don't like curry in a hurry? ;)
> Jason
> On Thursday, August 29, 2013, Asheesh Laroia wrote:
>> Hey ChiPy folks! I'm a vagabond Python community organizer, and in a diff
>> thread, Brian mentioned my idea that ChiPy host a thing called a project
>> night. So I thought I'd take a moment to elaborate and see what y'all think.
>> As context:
>> Project nights are user group meetings where attendees come with their
>> laptop computers and a desire to work on something Python-related. These
>> kinds of meetings are often the first thing that user groups add when they
>> want to become more welcoming to newcomers. They're intended to be
>> open-ended, social, and inviting. No agenda, just encouraging people to
>> work on whatever they'd like and/or find other people to work with.
>> I explain more here: http://user-groups-beta.**
>> openhatch.org/#project-night<http://user-groups-beta.openhatch.org/#project-night>
>> I'm on a mission to help more Python user groups be more interesting and
>> welcoming to newcomers, so I thought I'd see here what people think. First,
>> a quick request; I'm trying to gauge interest, so if you would like this
>> sort of meeting, reply to me <asheesh at asheesh.org> with:
>> +1
>> The event is pretty easy to run; it requires finding a venue with laptop
>> space, and then making a sign-up page that has some friendly, inclusive
>> language. (And you can even copy other groups' sign-up pages if you click
>> on the above link to find samples.)
>> Some user groups (like Boston's) run one project night and one
>> lecture-style meeting night monthly. I would say, try doing one first, see
>> how ChiPy likes it, and then dream about committing to a frequency.
>> So, second -- if there's someone on the list willing to be the organizer
>> of such an event, please stand up. (-: If not, I'll have to call on
>> someone. (-;
>> I'm on the list, and happy to discuss the idea further and take questions
>> about how it works, what the goals are, etc. Hopefully many of those are
>> answered at the link I gave, but who knows; that's why it says, "beta".
>> -- Asheesh.
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> --
> --
> Jason Wirth
>     213.675.5294
>     wirth.jason at gmail.com
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