[Chicago] deploying django apps, first steps for newbie

sheila miguez shekay at pobox.com
Wed Nov 20 18:22:52 CET 2013

On Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 11:08 AM, Andy Boyle <andymboyle at gmail.com> wrote:

> Sheila, have you ever used Fabric?


Not yet. My next step after figuring out what I want to have happen when I
deploy things (like deciding whether I should run my own pypi, make
completely new virtualenvs, etc.) is to decide on an automated
config/deploy framework. One friend from ps1 suggested using puppet or salt
if I have less than 100 boxes to worry about, chef if I had more.

To be honest, I only have one for now, and I am probably overthinking
things due to my last job. On the other hand, the automation stuff will
serve as documentation for myself 6 months later when I forget something,
or for someone new who comes on.

> As for installing git on your production environment, that's what we use
> to deploy our projects, so I'm not sure why it'd necessarily be a bad thing
> to have. I'd love to hear someone's arguments to the contrary.

I was trying to imagine some bad scenarios. sometimes gets partial access
to things enough to do stuff with git or a compiler and then screws up
everything. Though I suppose if they can compromise things enough to do
that, they could probably sudo apt-get stuff. Though I don't have the user
account the app runs under in the sudo group.

Just trying to think of bad crap. When I got my last job I tried to imagine
how a defect might lead to someone's death. In an earlier job, a defect
could likely lead to someone's death much easier than that job, so it
became an interesting thought experiment. QA people are superheros who save
us from horrible death and destruction.

> Good luck!
> -Andy

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