[Chicago] ChiPy December Meeting - Details and Call for Talks

sheila miguez shekay at pobox.com
Mon Dec 8 18:34:41 CET 2014

On Sun, Dec 7, 2014 at 11:43 AM, Adam Forsyth <adam at adamforsyth.net> wrote:

> Our first talk will be by Kenneth Reitz, author of Requests, PSF Fellow,
> and product owner of Python at Heroku. His talks are listed at
> http://www.kennethreitz.org/talks/ -- let us know which you'd like to see!

The flasky talk seems like a good choice for a user group meeting. It
covers the philosophy of api design and preferring composition but includes
some technical details, and contrasts flask to django. more techy stuff is
good for a user group versus pure high concept stuff that make great

But pretty much I would enjoy any of the talks. I haven't seen the
documentation at scale talk before. That one looks excellent.

If he covers 12 factor apps, someone should follow up with a lightning talk
or open space chit chat about managing secrets, since I've never felt
satisfied with how I do that and would like to hear about commonly used

shekay at pobox.com
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