[Chicago] History of programming

kirby urner kirby.urner at gmail.com
Wed May 27 17:02:39 CEST 2015

On Wed, May 27, 2015 at 7:32 AM, Randy Baxley <randy7771026 at gmail.com>

> Very, very, nice Kirby.  I have not pulled the trigger yet on PyTexas but
> 10 weeks kind of bumps up against it.  What is in ten weeks?  Sort of fits
> in with the discussion.  If we allocate ( Beasley, urner, Cook, Severance
> ).Pyfoo

Sorry for my confusion.  I thought he was talking OSCON as
I'd been having a thread about offering hospitality around then
(this July).  I forgot all about Pycon!  :-D

Speaking of Pycon, our charter for cuba-python has been
published to the Python.org Wiki and we're looking at some
kind of PyEvent (could be a Pycon) in 2016 in Cuba.


Remember Pycons may run in parallel so Cuba's would
not "conflict" with Portland's or whomever's.  Indeed, Pycons
running in parallel may wanna set up tele-links or whatever,
for joint panels, shared lightning talks... even BOFs with
some planning.

I hope to make a PyTexas and a PyOhio one day.  Both on
my bucket list.

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