[Chicago] PostgreSQL and Python

Joshua Herman zitterbewegung at gmail.com
Thu Feb 4 00:04:47 EST 2016

Dear Leon,
In anaconda you can still use pip to install packages. In the anaconda
console you can do   pip install pg8000  without the quotes.
Joshua Herman

On Wed, Feb 3, 2016 at 11:02 PM Leon Shernoff <leon at mushroomthejournal.com>

> and pursuant to working with databases,
> I'd like to get running with PostgreSQL, and it seems that pg8000 will
> be the best choice for me since I'm on Windows 7 (Win-64) and Psycopg2
> doesn't have a version for my environment. However I'm working in
> Anaconda, and pg8000 isn't one of the packages it has. In fact, it's
> hard for me to see any way for Python to hook up to PostgreSQL on my
> machine, though I have it running fine on its own. Does anyone know how
> I might proceed?
> --
> Best regards,
>      Leon
> "Creative work defines itself; therefore, confront the work."
>       -- John Cage
> Leon Shernoff
> 1511 E 54th St, Bsmt
> Chicago, IL  60615
> (312) 320-2190
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