[Chicago] June WebSIG Call For Speakers

Chris Foresman foresmac at gmail.com
Wed Jun 8 16:44:07 EDT 2016

Vokal will be hosting the Web SIG in June, tentatively next Thursday June 16. We have one speaker lined up, but we would really like to get someone NOT from Vokal to speak. It can be anything related using Python to do anything Web-related; feel free to talk about your pet project, any cool libraries you are using, technical challenges you recently overcame, etc. Your talk can be any length up to 30 min, so if you’d prefer to even give a short 5-10min “lightning talk”, feel free to let us know.

As usual, we should have some pizza and beers, as well as some non-alcoholic refreshments.

Feel free to respond to this thread, or contact me (foresmac at gmail.com <mailto:foresmac at gmail.com>) or Adam (adam.bain at vokal.io <mailto:adam.bain at vokal.io>) directly.

Chris Foresman
foresmac at gmail.com

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