[Chicago] ChiPy Call for May 12th Speakers

Joe Jasinski joe.jasinski at gmail.com
Wed May 4 19:48:22 EDT 2016

Hi ChiPy,

We are looking for speakers for the *May 12th* ChiPy meeting.  We are
excited to hear from new and veteran speakers.

We are also looking for someone who is willing to give a 5-10 minute
"Module of the Month" lightning talk, covering a useful Python module or
module feature.

*To submit a talk:*

   - Please send your talk idea to this list.
   - We'll need you to fill out the talk proposal form to get you on the
      - http://www.chipy.org/meetings/topics/propose

Let me know if you have any questions, and hope to hear from you soon!

If you'd like to attend the next meeting, you can rsvp at chipy.org
<http://www.chipy.org/> or via our Meetup
<http://www.meetup.com/_ChiPy_/events/230731798/> group.

Joe J. Jasinski
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