[Chicago] Interesting Chicago data set - Taxi trips

Robare, Phillip (TEKSystems) proba at allstate.com
Tue Jan 24 18:45:56 EST 2017

I missed it at the time, but back in November the city released information on taxi trips 2013 - 2016.  The announcement with links to the data: http://digital.cityofchicago.org/index.php/chicago-taxi-data-released/

Now New York based data analyst Todd W. Schneider has published a blog post of his analysis (done in R) of the trips in the data http://toddwschneider.com/posts/chicago-taxi-data/.

These show taxi rides declining sharply outside of the central business area and declining generally all over.  No data from Uber or Lyft is available it seems.  Now I just need a spark cluster and pyspark to do my own analysis.

I hope people on this list find this interesting.

Phil Robare

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