[Chicago] Mentorship Program Applications in Full Swing!

Ray Berg raymondwberg at gmail.com
Wed Jul 26 00:04:35 EDT 2017

Ha, forgive the late night mistake. Of COURSE I meant 2017. We plan ahead,
but not that far.

Go apply! https://chipymentor.or <https://chipymentor.org/portal>g

Ray Berg

On Tue, Jul 25, 2017 at 11:02 PM, Ray Berg <raymondwberg at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey, Everybody!
> The applications are rolling in for the Fall Term of the ChiPy Mentorship
> Program! Is your application ready? Go to https://chipymentor.org/portal
> to get yours in ASAP (applications close August 13)
> If you were lucky enough to catch the 10 fantastic presenters at the most
> recent ChiPy meeting you'd know just how cool this program is. 13 weeks,
> one-on-one, lots of learning, and a chance to network with some of the best
> and brightest in our active Python community. This is a cool, totally-free
> program thanks to our awesome volunteers.
> That said, we need your applications to keep our program active:
> Mentors: You are the lifeblood of our program. You might be able to
> explain loops and object oriented design, or perhaps you're a data-science
> expert looking to grow the field. Either way, we need mentors with
> experience in subjects like intro level Python, API usage, API design, web
> development, DevOps/systems management, data visualization, data analysis,
> and machine learning. We'll pair you with someone appropriate for your
> level.
> Mentees: Whether you are fresh to Python with only a few online tutorials
> under your belt, or a veteran coder who doesn't understand how to break
> into data-science toolsets, or a budding programmer trying to build your
> first webapp.....there's a spot for you! We're looking for passionate,
> hard-working folks to really get the most out of the one-on-one direction
> from mentors. Come with your own project; what do you want to learn and
> build? Rather than give you a standard curriculum, our mentors will help
> you get the build your knowledge to be able to tackle that idea you've been
> mulling over.
> Filling out applications is easy, and if you've done it before then it's
> waiting for you to apply this month! Revise your answers, and apply to the
> Fall 2018 term by August 13th. But why would you wait until then? It's easy
> to do it now.
> Tell your friends who are excited about code; tell that person in your
> office who would make a great Mentor. If they don't have a blast I promise
> them their money back.
> If you have any questions about the program, let us know by emailing
> mentorship-team at chipymentor.org. But most of what you need, including
> schedules, is on the website: https://chipymentor.org/#details
> Respectfully,
> Ray Berg
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