[CI-Announce] Maida's itinerary for Brazil, July 1999
Maida Withers
Tue, 29 Jun 1999 16:25:52 -0700
Dear friends:
Maida Withers and the Dance Construction Company will be touring in Brazil from July 10 - July 31, 1999. Please let your friends in Brazil know how to interact with us there. If you are in Brazil, let us know where and when and maybe we can meet for a spontaneous event!
Accompanying Maida Withers will be Reggie Crump, Giselle Ruzany, Sarah Slifer, dancers, and Jonathan Modell, musician/composer.
The Dance Construction Company activities in Brazil are made possible, in part, for support from the United States Information Service (USIS) in Brazil, Maida Withers, the Ruzany family, and our sponsors.
Our itinerary follows:
July 10 - July 18, 1999 - Ouro Preto (Black Gold), Brazil
31st Festival de Inverno (Winter Festival), Universidad Federal de Minas Gerais) - Dance, music, literature, visual arts, media
Sergio Diniz, Coordinator of Events
Workshops, July 12-16, 1999; Performance, July 17, 1999
Tel: 55 31 499-4063 e 499-4064; Fax: 55 31 499-4066;
E-mail: sraraujo@reitoria.ufmg.br
July 18 - July 25/26, 1999 - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Performance in Rio de Janeiro - Tuesday, July 20, 1999 - 9:00 PM
Casa de Cultura - Universidade Estacio de Sa
Av. Erico Verissimo 359 - barra da Tijuca
Rio de Janeiro BRAZIL
Tel: 55 - 21 - 494-1023; 494-1024 or 494-1025
Workshops in Rio de Janeiro - July 21 - 24, 1999 1:00 PM
Renato Vieira Danca e Cena
Rua da Passagem 169A
Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro BRAZIL
Tel: 55-21-542-8176
Email: bia@novanet.com.br
Dance Brazil '99 - July 26-30, 1999 - Brasilia, Brazil
Roselli Santoro, Founder and Director
National Theatre - Brazilian International Dance Seminar
Withers in Performance: National Theatre, July 29, 1999
Tel: 011-55-61-226-6662; 55-61-323-7089
Email: santoro@linkexpress.com.br
Maida Withers
Professor, The Department of Theatre and Dance
The George Washington University
Artistic Director, The Dance Construction Company