[CI-Announce] Announcement - 6 week Feldenkrais series

Cathy Paine cathypaine at movementworks.net
Tue Oct 21 09:58:10 EDT 2003

Feldenkrais Awareness Through MovementR

Taught by Cathy Paine, M.A., CFT

Fall II Classes 2003 


Mondays, November 3 - December 8             7:30pm - 8:30pm

Tuesdays, November 4 - December 9             7:30pm - 8:30pm

Wednesdays, November 5 - December 10       1:00pm - 2:00pm



Cost is $90 per 6 week session, or pay $20 per class. Classes are limited to
6 students and lessons are tailored to the needs and interests of the
participants. Ongoing classes - you may join any time!


Located in Oakenshawe, near North Charles Village, Guilford  and Waverly.
Private lessons are available by appointment. 


To register, or for information, please call 410/340-6370, or email
cathypaine at movementworks.net. Discover how these fun and intriguing movement
puzzles can improve the way you move!


Cathy Paine, M.A., CFT is an award winning dance artist and movement coach.
She has taught in England, Germany, Japan and Hong Kong, and on faculty at
UMBC, Towson University, American University, UCLA, and the University of
Montana. She has helped people with multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy and
Lyme's disease learn to move more comfortably and easily, and she
specializes in working with musicians and dancers on improving performance
and reducing discomfort and chronic injury. Her practice includes performing
artists, office workers, and people recovering from injury or surgery.


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