[CI-Announce] Artistic residence in Italy, Studio for rent

Rossella Fiumi rossellafiumi at yahoo.ca
Tue Jul 5 02:29:35 CEST 2005

If you are traveling, working through Italy and you
need a nice space to dance: Caravajal15, artistic
residence in Italy, Studio available for rehearsals
and classes in the  beautiful Etruscan City of Orvieto

( Middle Italy ) !! 

Large room with wood floor, in the nice ancient Palace
Caravajal-Simoncelli (16th Century), 330 squared
meters, in the old center of the City, space available
also for sleeping, cooking, an artistic residence for
dance .

E-mail rossella at contactfestival.it
www.contactfestival.it (Caravajal15)

Brief history
The Simoncelli, descendants of the Caravajal of Spain,
were among the most important noble families in
Orvieto in the 16th century. Girolamo was created
Cardinal in 1554 by Julius III and died Bishop of
Soana and of Orvieto in 1605. 
The palace of Caravajal-Simoncelli, Bishop of Soana
from 1535 to 1596, simple and austere, both in its
facade, the decorous portal and the unadorned vaulted
entrance hall, supported by massive piers, is typical
of this period. It was built after 1540 and was the
residence of the owner whose hospitality is declared
by the Spanish inscription in the frieze running along
below the windows: “Caravajal des caravajal por
comodidad de sus amigos padron”, and with wisdom in
the inscription on the doorway: “Portus non porta boni
non mali”. 
At the center is a lovely portal attributed to Scalza,
a famous Orvieto architect, surmounted by an imposing
loggia, with the jams and architrave splendidly
decorated with elements in bas-relief.
The entrance hall consists of a row of cross vaults
supported by square piers and leads to a broad
staircase that leads to the frescoed state rooms on
the upper floor.
The inner courtyard offers a fine view over the valley
of Orvieto.
The vaulted ceiling of the stateroom on the piano
noble, circa 8 meters high, is also frescoed.
Some of the rooms have frescoes with neoclassic
subjects and grotesques.

Since 1988 the Palace is the artistic residence of
Rossella Fiumi, Caravajal15 residenza dinamica, as
well as the venue of Zipfestival.

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