[CI-Announce] FW:
Cyrus Khambatta
cyrus2 at phffft.org
Mon Jun 13 17:46:39 CEST 2005
A few places are still left for those interested
July 30-August 6
Wild Meadows Improvisation Lab Retreat
Schellsburg, PA
VISIT THE WEBSITE: http://www.phffft.org/WMeadows.htm
This lab retreat will bring together those interested in the practice of
Contact Improvisation and related improvisation forms to focus for one week
on areas of interest chosen by the participants. The content of the lab will
be agreed upon by the participants before arriving at Wild Meadows.
Participants will propose by email focus areas for work they would like to
address or share during the retreat and a schedule will be set based on the
interest within the group of participants to the various subjects proposed.
This will give participants the opportunity to receive a plurality of
positions and subject material using a group investigative approach.
Wild Meadows, surrounded by 200 acres of secluded mountains ranges, and
fertile valleys near the Allegheny mountains, is the ideal location for
reflective thought and investigation into the Contact Improvisation practice
and art form. Some previous experience is requested as this will result in
the greatest exploration potential as an ensemble. Break periods will be
scheduled to enable participants to take in the glorious natural surrounding
of the farm and its cultural heritage. The area is home to Amish, Mennonites
and Quakers. Also nearby are Architect, Frank Lloyd Wrights Falling Waters
built with a creek running under it.
Food is included in the cost and will be communally prepared. Each
participant will be requested to assist in the preparation of 2-3
lunch/dinner meals (with workstudy assistance) during the week-long retreat.
The retreat will be facilitated by Cyrus Khambatta and other improvisers who
will attend the retreat. Cyrus will provide one of the break-out sessions
scheduled during the week along with the other participants.
Possible subject areas to address include:
* Relationship of a fluid physical practice to mental flexibility and
* The Dive-in vs. the slow-go models/ways of learning and confronting fear.
* Activating spatial energy/relationship while remaining connected to a
* Trio Partnering
* Group partnering (seamlessly integrating more than three partners)
* What elements are necessary to find enjoyment in every dance (despite
level/compatibility of partner)
* What role do archetypes play into the contact relationship.
* Enjoying/engaging the backspace
* Site specific dancing
* Contact as a contemplative practice
COST: $225 includes everything except travel (NEW! Pay online
<http://www.phffft.org/WMeadows.htm> )
DEPOSIT: ($75 deposit due by July 1st)
DISCOUNT: $200 if full amount paid before July 1.
WORKSTUDY: Two positions available on first-come first serve
TRAVEL: Participants can arrange with others coming from the nearby cities
of Washington D.C. New York City, Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. The farm is
2.5 hours from Washington D.C., 5 hours from New York City, 3.5 hours from
Philadelphia and 2 hours from Pittsburgh. There are also buses and trains to
Altoona or Breezewood near the farm where pick ups can be made.
CONTACT: for more information, email Cyrus at info at phffft.org
<mailto:info at phffft.org> or by phone at the numbers below:
NEW YORK CITY: (212) 404-7808
SEATTLE: (206) 935-0459
Cyrus is a co-curator of The D.C. Improvisation festival and has performed
at improvisation festivals internationally. His six-member dance company,
which just returned from Europe, presents contact-based choreography and
improvisation as an art form unto itself. For more information, please visit
the companys website at www.phffft.org <http://www.phffft.org/>
Cyrus Khambatta
Artistic Director
The Phffft! Dance Theatre Company
212.404.7808 (NYC)
206.935.0459 (Seattle)
5609 34th Ave SW
Seattle, WA 98126
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