[CI-Announce] When is NOW? a contact workshop with Heike Pourian and Elske Seidel / April 20-22 / Nuernberg - Germany

Elske Seidel elskeseidel at hotmail.com
Thu Mar 1 18:19:20 CET 2012

is NOW?

20-22, 2012 / Nuernberg, Germany

a contact workshop with Elske Seidel (Berlin/
GER) and Heike  Pourian (Nuernberg/

> for people with experience in CI

Contact Improvisation by its nature cherishes being here
and now.

Trusting in the moment, not knowing, not expecting, no
planning, no safety net - surrendering into the duet or trio as it evolves
spontaneously in the moment.

When is NOW?

Is it true dance lives neither in the past or the

Our bodies hold the vastness of our experience of
movement - frequently creating patterns and expectations.

Anybody who has observed themselves jumping or deliciously
tumbled across the floor, knows that moving can imply reaching into the future.
Often, we are anticipating and adjusting to what might come. We may take an arm
out of the way anticipating getting stuck. We may deepen our breathing to be
ready to support coming weight …

So are we truly in the NOW?

Can dance fully happen in the NOW?

What is NOW?

We want to explore the phenomenon and its mysteries
with you !!!

Elske & Heike

Fri 7-10 pm, Sat 12-7 pm, Sun 10-3 pm

Tanzzentrale of the region Nuernberg/ Fuerth/ Erlangen

Kaiserstrasse 177, U-Train Jakobinenstrasse

We will send out directions with your

€ 110 / reduced € 80(when
registering + transferring before March 30, later than that + € 10, if choosing
to pay cash on the first day of the workshop + € 20)

0911-36680214 or mail to heikepourian at hotmail.com
(for the bank details)

about Elske: www. improtanz.de
about Heike: www.contact-bewegt.de
Performance & Jam Thu April, 19th, 7:30 pm


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