[Conferences] PyCon ZA 2012 - Call for Speakers

Neil Muller drnlmuller+python at gmail.com
Wed Aug 22 13:50:14 CEST 2012

PyCon ZA 2012 - Call for Speakers

PyCon ZA will take place October 4-5 in Cape Town, South Africa. There
will be two days of talks, and we will hold sprints on the 6 and 7th
of October.

We are currently accepting proposals for talks. If you would like to
give a presentation, please submit your proposal at
http://za.pycon.org/. The deadline for proposals is the 15th of
September. Accepted presenters will be notified by no later than the
20th of September. The presentation slots will be 30 minutes + 10
minutes of discussion at the end. Shared sessions are also possible.
The presentations will be in English.

If you wish to coordinate a sprint on a specific topic, please contact
team at za.pycon.org with the details.

See you at PyCon ZA 2012!

Neil Muller
On behalf of the PyCon ZA organising committee

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