[Conferences] PyCon UA 2012 - Call for Speakers

Volodymyr Hotsyk gotsyk at gmail.com
Tue Aug 28 12:33:56 CEST 2012

PyCon Ukraine 2012 - Call for speaker

PyCon Ukraine will take place October 20-21 in Kyiv, Ukraine. There will be two days of talks, lightening talks, open spaces, tutorials and poster session. 

We are currently accepting proposals for talks. If you would like to give a presentation, please email me at the gotsyk at gmail.com
The deadline for proposals is the 30th of September.
We also offering full or part coverage of travel and accommodation expenses for speakers if needed. 

Main working language of the conference is English with some Russian and Ukrainian talks possible. 

Thank you, 

Volodymyr Hotsyk
PyCon Ukraine organising committee


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