[Conferences] Queries regarding PyCon event

Vicky Twomey-Lee - Python Ireland whykay at python.ie
Thu Oct 1 05:51:05 EDT 2020

Hi Bipal,

+1 what Roy said.

Can't remember if you were there or not, but Euorpython organisers recently
did an AMA call, video is now available:

We still have an AMA in DEV, if you want to ask more questions:

They also made the following resources available from all the research they
did in running their first virtual conference:

Definitely find a group of people who will be taking action from day one
with you as you can easily burn out and get overwhelmed (trust me, I know
how that feels from running the 1st for PyCon Ireland conferences😉).

Good luck!

/// Vicky Twomey-Lee (PyLadies Dublin <https://twitter.com/pyladiesdub>

Python Ireland <http://python.ie/> Alumni
PSF member <http://pyfound.blogspot.ie/2012/08/welcome-new-psf-members.html>
 | EuroPython Society
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Coding Grace <http://codinggrace.com/> co-Founder | GameCraft It
<http://gamecraft.it/> co-Founder | Women Who Code Dublin
<https://www.meetup.com/Women-Who-Code-Dublin/> Director | WITS
<http://witsireland.com/governance/> Member

On Thursday, October 1, 2020, Bipal Shakya <bipalshakya at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello Roy,
> Thank you for getting back to me and the resources. I really appreciate it.
> I'll be sure to go through them and get back to you if I have any
> questions.
> Yes indeed, there're a few Python user group in Nepal.
> On Thu, Oct 1, 2020 at 8:06 AM Roy Hyunjin Han <rhh at crosscompute.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Bipal,
>> Additionally, here is a list of best practices and tools for hosting a
>> virtual event in case you are unable to host in-person conferences next
>> year.
>>    - https://www.acm.org/virtual-conferences
>>    - https://www.python.org/psf/grants/free-resources/
>> Step 1: Form a team and assign roles
>> Step 2: Find a venue -- for the first event, we recommend collaborating
>> with a local university to minimize expenses
>> Step 3: Draft a code of conduct (links to examples should be in
>> https://github.com/python-organizers/conferences)
>> Step 4: Prepare a sponsorship prospectus (links to examples should be in
>> https://github.com/python-organizers/conferences)
>> Step 5: Find sponsors
>> The hardest part of your work will be in finding sponsors for your event.
>> You will need to start early and give yourself ample time for all parts of
>> the event planning process. Ideally, you should collaborate with a local
>> Python user group (if you have not already started one) as they will be the
>> primary source of speakers and volunteers for your first event.
>> Is there a local Python user group in Nepal?
>> RHH
>> On Wed, Sep 30, 2020 at 10:03 PM Roy Hyunjin Han <rhh at crosscompute.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Bipal,
>>> We are thrilled to hear that you are thinking about organizing PyCon
>>> Nepal!
>>> Conferences are immensely rewarding but also a great deal of work and
>>> you will want to build a team of people who will help you launch a
>>> successful event.
>>> Here are some resources that will help you:
>>> https://github.com/python-organizers
>>>    - Resources - documentation and best practices for organizing a
>>>    Python conference
>>>    - Conferences - list of Python conferences around the world
>>> Please do not hesitate to ask for help from me or from the people listed
>>> in the GitHub group.
>>> RHH
>>> On Wed, Sep 30, 2020 at 9:49 PM Bipal Shakya <bipalshakya at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I hope this finds you well.
>>>> I am an avid Python developer and am really passionate about working
>>>> with Python as well as helping Python reach other people so that they too
>>>> can get a great start into the world of software development with Python.
>>>> Therefore, I wanted to reach out to understand the processes to
>>>> initiate a PyCon event (virtual) in my country. I noticed that *PyCon
>>>> Nepal* does not exist yet. I had a couple of queries regarding this:
>>>>    1. *How do I get started? Whom do I reach out to? Do I just
>>>>    announce that "Okay, here's PyCon Nepal happening" with an email?*
>>>>    2.
>>>> *I see that most of the PyCon are featured in pycon.org
>>>>    <http://pycon.org/>, and are hosted in the domain xx.pycon.org
>>>>    <http://xx.pycon.org/>. How can I host the event web page on np.pycon.org
>>>>    <http://np.pycon.org/> (for PyCon Nepal)? *
>>>> I look forward to hearing from you,
>>>> Warm regards,
>>>> Bipal Shakya.
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