[core-workflow] PEP 512 - Choosing a CI service

Ryan Gonzalez rymg19 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 20 11:04:17 EST 2016

On January 19, 2016 9:37:37 PM CST, Darjus Loktevic <darjus at gmail.com> wrote:
>Quick background: A little while ago I've added TravisCI integration to
>Jython github mirror. Most recently one of Jython contributors asked
>whether we can integrate the xunit XML output of Jython's regrtest with
>TravisCI. The answer was no, which led me to researching other options.
>*Why not TravisCI?*
>TravisCI does not support build artifacts. As simple as that, there's
>builtin support for them. After researching for a while, they promised
>add it but have no public timelines. This is quite limiting in my view
>it would be nice to have more than just a binary pass/fail and manually
>through regrtest output.

Yes it does!


It even supports putting releases on GitHub:


and deploying to various other services:


>One of the positives for TravisCI is Mac OS X support.
>I have not actually used it, but from reading documentation it feels
>like a deployment service and does not have builtin support for xunit.
>Configuration format is super similar to TravisCI, which made it easy
>try. Has support for both code coverage and xunit test results. Simple
>One big negative for me with it is that it is slow, and by slow i mean
>1h versus 25min for TravisCI. Presumably paid version is faster.
>*CircleCI* - My preferred
>Very fast, free tier gives 4 parallel builds (free tier), supports
>supports Mac OS X (have not tried), and supports debugging via SSH
>(which i
>think is a cool feature for those cases when it works on your machine
>not on the build server and there are no clues as to why). Supports
>exporting coverage to several coverage services.
>On the negatives, different configuration format to TravisCI, UI could
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Sent from my Nexus 5 with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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