[C++-sig] Possible overload<> template for class members

Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve rwgk at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 13 07:47:15 CET 2002

--- William Trenker <wtrenker at hotmail.com> wrote:
> 	.def("show", overload<void,void>(), &Window::show)
> 	.def("show", overload<void,const Window*>(), &Window.show)

That looks just like my old "plan A" :-)

>   Is something like this even possible?

David kept claiming the answer is no, because in C++ you cannot take the
"address" of a family over overloaded functions. If Window.show has overloads
the compiler has no way of knowing which one you mean if you just type
&Window.show. You have to have an associated cast, our you have to go through a
thin wrapper. This limitation forced us to come up with "plan B": the


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