[C++-sig] Converting std::vector<T> to Python tuple
Paul F. Kunz
Paul_Kunz at SLAC.Stanford.EDU
Thu Nov 21 20:38:25 CET 2002
Took a couple hours off from my VC++ 7 woes this morning to continue
converting to boost.python V2 under Linux. I needed to expose to
Python member functions of a C++ class that returned a const
vector<double> & and const vector<string> &. After pouring over the
documentation, FAQ, and mailing list archives, I came up with a
solution that works for me, but would like to receive comment on it.
First, from Ralf's scitbx package, I copied
template ( typename ContainerType >
struct to_tuple {...}
into my own code. Then within my BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE I have ...
class_ < PyFunctionRep > ( "Function",
init < const std::string & > () )
.def ( "parmNames", &PyFunctionRep::parmNames, // ret vector<string>
return_value_policy < copy_const_reference > () )
.def ( "parameters", &PyFunctionRep::parameters, // ret vector<double>
return_value_policy < copy_const_reference > () )
and ...
to_python_converter <
const std::vector < double >,
to_tuple < const std::vector < double > > > ();
to_python_converter <
const std::vector < std::string >,
to_tuple < const std::vector < std::string > > > ();
Is this correct? Suggestion for improvements?
If this is correct, may I suggest that something like it go into the
tutorial and/or FAQ.
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