[C++-sig] Boost.python suggestion + pyste bug

Nicodemus nicodemus at globalite.com.br
Mon Aug 11 01:18:16 CEST 2003

Niall Douglas wrote:

>On 8 Aug 2003 at 0:01, Nicodemus wrote:
>>>Lastly, am I right in thinking that pyste currently does not use
>>>boost.python's ability to represent C++ class inheritance trees the
>>>same in python classes? I'm thinking that if you were to add support
>>>for this, it kinda works with the fixes necessary for fixing the bugs
>>What do you mean? It should export classes in the same way as if you
>>were doing it by hand, but automatically. One difference is that it
>>now automatically exports the members of base classes that were not
>>exported themselves, as a feature request here in the list:
>>struct A
>>    void foo();
>>struct B: A
>>    void bar();
>>If you export only B, you will get A's foo method too, as if you were
>>exporting both A and B.
>Firstly my apologies for the late reply, I've been laid up in bed 
>these last few days with what looks like influenza. Odd given it's 
>30C outside!
>You're not quite understanding me. I shall illustrate:
>If I have classes A, B & C where A inherits B and B inherits C, and I 
>were exporting classes A and C to python, I should write:
>class_<A, bases<C> >("A").def(...  // NOT bases<B>
>Currently pyste does not generates bases<> for anything. I can 
>understand this because it is complex - you must analyse what classes 
>each interface file exports before being able to say what inherits 
>what *also* *exposed*.
>However if you've fixed those bugs I reported with some other method, 
>then cool, I can do without this.

Oh, I understand now, sorry. I thought you were talking about methods.

The current way is proposital. The bases<> template must expose the base 
classes that were *exported*:

struct A
    void foo(){};

struct B: A
    void foobar(){};

struct C: B
    void bar(){};

exporting only A and C, you get:

    class_< A >("A", init<  >())
        .def(init< const A& >())
        .def("foo", &A::foo)

    class_< C, bases< A >  >("C", init<  >())
        .def(init< const C& >())
        .def("bar", &C::bar)
        .def("foobar", &B::foobar)

Which is correct. If you try to change bases< A > to bases< B >, your 
extension won't work (it will compile, but it will raise an exception 
when you try to import it).

Now, if you are saying that bases<> are always empty, I guess the 
problem is that you're using AllFromHeader, which is broken in the 
current CVS. Try changing from AllFromHeader to Class calls, that should 
make the problem go away.


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