[C++-sig] Re: Pyste bug - static member functions...

Roman Sulzhyk roman_sulzhyk at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 18 02:48:41 CEST 2003

--- Nicodemus <nicodemus at globalite.com.br> wrote:
> David Abrahams wrote:
> >Nicodemus <nicodemus at globalite.com.br> writes:
> >
> >  
> >
> >>Roman Sulzhyk wrote:
> >>
> >>    
> >>
> >>>Talking about todo lists, another useful thing would be to be able
> to
> >>>add a command line option to take XML file already pre-generated -
> >>>that'll simplify pyste script development some, because with G++
> 3.x
> >>>series it takes considerable amounts of time to generate XML from
> C++
> >>>and hence making iterative changes is complex.
> >>> 
> >>>      
> >>>
> >>That is a good idea. But passing individual filenames in the
> command
> >>line does not seem pratical, because you have to specify a xml file
> >>*per header file* that will be parsed. Perhaps a flag like
> "--xml-dir"
> >>where you indicate where the xml files will be? That way, before
> Pyste
> >>calls gccxml in the file "test.h", it checks if "test.xml" is
> present
> >>in the xml-dir, and use that if present, or parses it otherwise.
> What
> >>do you think?
> >>    
> >>
> >
> >What about reading the XML and producing a pickled representation,
> >then re-reading from the XML whenever it's outdated?  Then we could
> >easily integrate it with a build system.
> >
> Unforunately it is not that simple, because of header dependecies:
> B.h 
> includes A.h. Class B from B.h is exported, so B.xml is generated.
> User 
> adds a new method to A, and expects it to reflect in the wrapper for
> B, 
> but with a simplistic approach Pyste would not be able to note that
> B.h 
> is outdated.
> I rather let this problem to build systems already out there, like 
> SCons: the user can easily extend it to generate gccxml files from
> the 
> headers, with dependency analysis built-in.

I see, it's not that simple to make it automagic... I do think that the
parsing step needs to be optionally exposed, so people can use it in
their makefiles to generate xml explicitely, and pass it in on the
command line, e.g.

pyste --cache="{foo.h:foo.xml, faa.h:faa.xml}"

or something like that. Let's make it least intrusive to pyste for now
and move the responsibility to the build system. 

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