[C++-sig] pyste -I

Nicodemus nicodemus at globalite.com.br
Wed Sep 10 23:51:12 CEST 2003

Hi Jason,

Jason.Sibthorpe at aculab.com wrote:

>Hi Nicodemus,
>Thanks for your response.
>>Is there any reason that you can't hardcode the paths into the Pyste
>Yes and no.
>The problem as I see it.
>Hardcoding relative paths doesn't work if you generate the .cpp in a
>different location to that in which you compile your sources.  The
>-output option doesn't help you here.
>Hardcoded absolute paths are the work of the devil.  Sharing generated
>sources between my project members requires changes to the sources and
>windows paths don't work on Solaris nor Linux etc
>Surely this is exactly what the -I option if for?

Wait wait. I misread your previous message: I read it in a hurry and 
understood that you wanted -I to locate *pyste* files, not header files. 
Really sorry about that!

The -I option is intended to work as you expect (see FindHeader in 
CppParser), the problem is with AllFromHeader, it is broken in the 
current version. I suggest you use Class and Function until I fix 
AllFromHeader. 8/


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