[C++-sig] gcc 3.4 pre-compiled header support?

Niall Douglas s_sourceforge at nedprod.com
Tue Jan 13 01:13:02 CET 2004

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On 12 Jan 2004 at 10:14, Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve wrote:

> David and I put in some effort to ensure that the boost 1.31 release
> candidate works with gcc 3.4 from the most current gcc CVS. I am also
> interested in trying out the new pre-compiled header support but I
> have now clue where to start. Could someone please share her/his
> expertise? Thanks!

GCC v3.4 will only use the precompiled version of the *first* include 
in a compilee. This creates some interesting issues, mainly being 
that you must put all your includes into one master include. 
Unfortunately, this increases the dependencies.

Also, precompiled header files on GCC were when I tried it very, very 
large indeed. It would be definitely slower if you were compiling off 
a network share :(

When GCC creates a PCH of a header file, it calls it the same name 
and stores it next to the header file with a different extension. 
It's been many months since I tried this so please double check with 
the docs, but I think it's merely a case of specifying something like 
- -fenable-precompiled-headers for them to be automatically generated 
and used.

I would be /very/ interested to see how Boost's recursive header 
includes play with GCC PCH. Let us know - when I tried it PCH support 
just didn't work.

One question for you (off-topic) - I recently submitted what I feel 
is an important bug to GCC bugzilla regarding GCC not generating 
correct code when using new and delete within a namespace which 
defines new versions of them (it mismatches the calls). However, 
absolutely zero has happened. This problem is preventing the use of 
my library on Linux so I'd really like to see it fixed soon, 
especially as surely it's trivial for those who know the internals. 
The bugzilla number is #13483 - any suggestions about what to do 


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