[Cryptography-dev] Release Cadences

Paul Kehrer paul.l.kehrer at gmail.com
Mon Apr 21 23:24:57 CEST 2014

The fourth release needs an official release manager (although I’ll go ahead and volunteer for now), so blockers aren’t really known yet. I think my first email somewhat covers who is it for and why, but another way to say it: Monthly releases would provide some certainty about when merged code will be available to downstream projects and allow projects like PyOpenSSL to move more quickly without requiring careful coordination with us.

While we discuss this we could still plan to push the 0.4 release out next week though.

On April 21, 2014 at 4:11:15 PM, Alex Stapleton (alexs at prol.etari.at) wrote:

What's actually blocking us pushing a 0.4 master or 0.3.1 hotfix today?

I think a more structured release schedule could be a good thing but we need to figure out who we're doing it for and what our aims are clearly.

On 21 April 2014 19:31:37 Paul Kehrer <paul.l.kehrer at gmail.com> wrote:

Now that we’re an upstream dependency for at least one major project (PyOpenSSL) it might make sense to try to fall into a monthly release cadence. This way we wouldn't block important features in our bindings from being consumed by downstream and we’ll also be able to get features out more regularly in hazmat/recipes.

This would be helpful right now in allowing JP to schedule releases of PyOpenSSL that contain dependencies on new features we add. It would also help prevent situations like issue 941 (https://github.com/pyca/cryptography/issues/941) from arising in the future.

If we did want to do monthly release cadence then next Monday would be essentially a month from the release of 0.3. We would need to significantly triage our fourth release issue list (and get some reviews!), but that will always be true for any release.

Do people generally support this idea?

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