[DB-SIG] python-informix

Stephen J. Turner sjturner@ix.netcom.com
Thu, 13 May 1999 21:54:39 -0400

Hi Tom,

>At one point, Stephen Turner (sjturner@ix.netcom.com) considered taking
>over maintenance of the informixdb code.  Bertil posted that he (Bertil)
>can't maintain it and would be happy if someone else took up the code.
>I don't remember what ever happened since I got pulled off of the DB work
>for which I needed informixdb.  I'm interested again since I might be
>suddenly put back to work with informix, and I want to have a good RAD
>language to use when we start our development.
>I know that Stephen at least has some patches for the current version of
>the informixdb.  Perhaps we can convince him at least to post those

OK, feeling just a little guilty now.  :-(

I've had those informixdb patches since January and still haven't published
them.  Thanks for the much-needed motivational reminder (aka kick in the

I'll see what I can do within the next week or so to package up the patches
and post them on the Starship.  Keep watching this SIG for a modest


Stephen J. Turner <sjturner@ix.netcom.com>