[DB-SIG] DB2 Python module 0.9

Man-Yong Lee manyong@gnu.org
Wed, 11 Oct 2000 06:32:27 +0900

Hi~ Mr. Lemburg,

"M.-A. Lemburg" wrote:
> FYI, mxODBC compiles just fine against the DB2 CLI (which
> happens
> to be ODBC compatible in most respects). You might want to try
> it. The next mxODBC version will have a preconfigured DB2
> subpackage.

Thanks.  I've read that DB2 CLI is almost ODBC compatible in
their manual.  But I didn't know about the fact that I can
use mxODBC in most cases.  I'm afraid that my module is very
preliminary and immature compared to mxODBC. :)

I think I have to run to read mxODBC source code.

After finishing IBM's eDay event in Korea yesterday, I've
started to work on adding administrative function into DB2
module beyond Python DB API 2.0.

Thanks again for your interest and precious information.

Have a nice day!

Happy Python!