[DB-SIG] Building Cross-Platform DB Apps: MetaDB.py

M.-A. Lemburg mal@lemburg.com
Tue, 17 Oct 2000 13:54:57 +0200

Greg Stein wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 17, 2000 at 11:50:09AM +0200, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> >...
> > Questions:
> > ----------
> >
> > * What do think about this idea ?
> Sounds fine.
> However, I believe that a necessary precondition is a way for multiple
> people to be able to contribute their info easily into the "body of
> knowledge". If somebody pipes up on an email list, they may feel that isn't
> enough to get the info over to the repository.  hmm... what I'm trying to
> say is that capturing data in a mailing list doesn't feel permanent enough
> to people; to increase contribution, let more people drop the data into the
> permanent repository. (somehow)

I was thinking of starting with a base class and then have
subclasses for all the different backends.

The "knowledge" would be written up as subclass of the base class.
> > * Which requests would you have for such a knowledge-base like
> >   module ?
> Types. SQL statements, extensions. DBAPI features unique to a module. SQL
> functions which are custom to a particular DB. Threading traits. How to
> specify parameters in a SQL query. (other "optional" features in the DBAPI
> such as nextset, etc)

Looks like a good start.

Marc-Andre Lemburg
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