[DB-SIG] DCOracle with win32

Cena, Resty rcena@epcor-group.com
Wed, 17 Jan 2001 13:48:36 -0700

	>> Could somebody please assist me with compiling DCOracle
under win32.

Me, too, please. I've been trying to but have not had much success. Better
yet, how about an installable binary file (of DCOracle in Win32).
Thanks much!

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Taavi Tiirik [SMTP:ttaavi@neti.ee]
> Sent:	Tuesday, January 16, 2001 12:09 PM
> To:	db-sig@python.org
> Subject:	[DB-SIG] DCOracle with win32
> Dear all,
> Could somebody please assist me with compiling DCOracle
> under win32.
> regards,
> Taavi