[DB-SIG] DB Programming Book Proposal
Federico Di Gregorio
13 Apr 2002 01:05:58 +0200
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Il ven, 2002-04-12 alle 21:51, Bryan Richard ha scritto:
> Hi,=20
> =20
> I'm putting together a proposal for a book on beginning database programm=
ing with Python.=20
> =20
> Two questions:=20
> (1) Do you think there is an audience for this material?=20
> (2) What you like to see covered that would spark your interest or what a=
re the base topics that *must* be covered.=20
i started writing a book i titled "Accessing Databases Using the Python
DBAPI-2.0" some time ago and i am slowly adding material to it when i
have the time. it is very far from being complete, but if anyone is
interested, my work in progress is available at:
under the name dbapi20programming-0.0.20020413.tar.gz. (the version may
change, it is based on the timestamp of when i build the tar). a more
formal annouce will be sent to the usual places when i finish it, in a
couple of months if all goes well (but maybe 3 or 4).
Federico Di Gregorio
Debian GNU/Linux Developer & Italian Press Contact fog@debian.org
INIT.D Developer fog@initd.org
All programmers are optimists. -- Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.
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