[DB-SIG] Popy - Psycopg - PyPgSQL - PyGreSQL

Federico Di Gregorio fog@initd.org
01 Oct 2002 15:01:34 +0200

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Il mar, 2002-10-01 alle 14:53, Magnus Lycka ha scritto:
> At 14:22 2002-10-01 +0200, Federico Di Gregorio wrote:
> >they are all basend on different concepts (apart from popy and psycopg
> >that are quite similar), so i don't think there is space for a merge.
> There seems to be space for one merge at least... :)
> Perhaps if you all wrap your clever head around this
> problem you will after all find ways to unite your
> efforts more? Maybe there are aspects in all modules
> that aren't really so central to the needs? Maybe
> some functionality can be offered as layers on
> top of the driver? Maybe one driver can be made
> that can be used in several different ways?

well,i can't say for sure but i'll present you an example. psycopg was
built with multithreading in mind: every time it take a possible long
operation that does not alter the internal state of the python
interpreter it releases the global lock. every function was written
around this concept. how much code will be reusable in other projects?
how much difficult would be to merge? also, psycopg has a very
sophisticated postgresql->python type casting mechanism and will be much
less usefull to a lot of people without it.

imo, the only possible merge is when one of the projects gets
discontinued and the authors "merge" into another project. this is true
not only for those projects but for every project that get started
because the author feels others are pushing in the wrong direction..=20

Federico Di Gregorio
Debian GNU/Linux Developer & Italian Press Contact        fog@debian.org
INIT.D Developer                                           fog@initd.org
  We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the
   time: premature optimization is the root of all evil. -- D.E.Knuth

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