[DB-SIG] Compiling DCOracle2 on HPUX
Gerhard Häring
Tue, 8 Oct 2002 11:36:56 +0200
* plusk@radford.edu <plusk@radford.edu> [2002-10-07 17:00 -0400]:
> I've been advocating the use of python here (Radford University).
> I've demonstrated some programs that my bosses found interesting, using
> DCOracle2 and mx.DateTime on Win2K. My bosses worry about the costs of deploy
> program on all our users' machine and would prefer that I get things to work
> on our HPUX box. I have a sympathetic admin helping me, and he was able to
> install mx.DateTime.
> the DCOracle2 package did not install because it could not find a
> lib it needed.
Looks like you're having a different problem than I had recently with DCOracle2
on HP/Unix. As a consequence, I wrote a quick HOWTO for our internal Wiki.
Here's a translation - perhaps it will help somebody:
This is the PyhtonOnHpUnix HOWTO. It may be possible to get it running more
easily (with the Python binary from
http://hpux.cs.utah.edu/hppd/hpux/Languages/python-2.2.1/) These are only the
facts, for background and details only RTFM will help.
1 Development Environment
* Have the sysadmin install gcc 3.1 from the above URL
* Put mxExtensions, cx_Oracle und DCOracle2 sources on the box
* Put Python 2.2.1 sources on the box
2 Compile Python
* untar Python 2.2.1 sources
* Call ./configure --prefix=~/
* Manually edit the Makefile (that's the ugly step), such that Python links
against a certain library called "cl". Search the variable which
determines which libraries Python links against. I've simply searched for
"pthread", then inserted "cl" there.
* make
* make test (to look if everything works ok)
* make install
* Put the Python you compiled yourself in the PATH
3 Compile mxExtensions
* untar mxExtensions
* python setup.py build
* python setup.py install
4 Compile DCOracle2
* untar DCOracle2
* make sure that ORACLE_HOME is set correctly
* change setup.py such that LFLAGS is set to an empty list, otherwise the
linker of HP-Unix will complain
* python setup.py build
* python setup.py install
5 Compile cx_Oracle
* I don't currently use this database interface, but wanted to get
an alternative to DCOracle2
* untar cx_Oracle
* make sure ORACLE_HOME is set correctly
* python setup.py build
* python setup.py install
Gerhard Häring
OPUS GmbH München
Tel.: +49 89 - 889 49 7 - 32