[DB-SIG] MySQL Python module bugs or what?

Chris Cogdon chris@cogdon.org
Tue, 8 Oct 2002 08:43:14 -0700

On Tuesday, Oct 8, 2002, at 01:10 US/Pacific, Jekabs Andrushaitis wrote:

> SQL code:
> 	CREATE TABLE testtable(testfield longint);
> 	INSERT INTO testtable(testfield) VALUES(1);
> Python code:
> 	...
> 	# this works
> 	dbc.execute("SELECT testfield FROM testtable WHERE testfield<1")
> 	print dbc.fetchall()
> 	# this fails by saying that integer is required for parameter!!!
> 	dbc.execute("SELECT testfield FROM testtable WHERE testfield<%d",(1,))
> 	print dbc.fetchall()
> 	# this also fails by saying that integer is required for parameter!!!
> 	dbc.execute("SELECT testfield FROM testtable WHERE
> testfield<%(testfield)d",{"testfield":1})
> 	print dbc.fetchall()
> 	# and naturally this produces same
> 	dbc.execute("SELECT testfield FROM testtable WHERE
> testfield<%ld",(long(1),))
> 	print dbc.fetchall()
> 	# white this works...
> 	dbc.execute("SELECT testfield FROM testtable WHERE testfield<%s",(1,))
> 	print dbc.fetchall()
> Am I missing something serious, or this is a bug in MySQLdb module? Was
> using latest stable release
> from sourceforge.net. Also, I never managed to insert a longblob value 
> whose
> side exceeded 1Mb into
> table.
> Not that I care about this much now, I did it couple weeks earlier 
> when I
> had to migrate bug/request/feature request
> tracking data from our own Python/PostgreSQL/mod_python based solution 
> to
> Bugzilla (sad, but I liked our own
> tracking application MUCH better than Bugzilla and the PHP).

You have to use %s, even if you're dealing with integers. The 'quoting' 
code inside the DBI module turns all the parameters into strings before 
passing it to a python % operator.

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