[DB-SIG] Re: How to *you* access your database objects?

Gerhard Häring gerhard.haering@opus-gmbh.net
Wed, 16 Oct 2002 13:52:13 +0000 (UTC)

Kevin Jacobs <jacobs@penguin.theopalgroup.com> [2002-10-16 13:40 GMT]:
> [new dbrow]
> If you are interested, I'll spend some time and package our current version
> and make it available on opensource.theopalgroup.com.

I'd be interested, too.

> It can be used in two modes: 1) as portable pure-python or 2) augmented with
> an optional C extension module (tested with Python 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 and recent
> 2.3 CVS versions).

And especially in the C version :)

-- Gerhard