[DB-SIG] Re: [Python-Dev] database APIs

Brian Dorsey brian@dorseys.org
Wed, 5 Feb 2003 09:12:43 -0800

I'll throw in my recommendation for Cheetah as well. I've only used it
on a few simple projects, but it was a snap. Their mailing list is
friendly and helpful as well.  

And Cheetah is written completly in Python. 

Take care,

On Wed, Feb 05, 2003 at 04:48:35PM +0100, Eivind Tagseth wrote:
> * Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton <lkcl@samba-tng.org> [030205 15:34]:
> >  i have started the process of moving away from actually having
> >  the HTML _in_ the python code, and using a package to template
> >  the HTML (apt-get install python-htmltmpl).
> > 
> >  what are your thoughts on such a move?
> IMO, it's the only way to go, anything else is absolutely horrible.
> >  personally i am not very impressed with python-htmltmpl it smacks
> >  of phpisms which always makes me shudder.
> >  is there anything better out there?
> Yes, Cheetah.  I've been using it for a while, and it's got what I want
> from a template engine and achieves a much better separation between
> logic and presentation than e.g. php and jsp.  And while it's not
> python, it feels quite pythonish...
> 	http://cheetahtemplate.org/
> Check it out...
> Eivind
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