[Distutils] Re: Add multiple frozen modules
James C. Ahlstrom
Tue, 13 Jul 1999 10:50:57 -0400
Greg Stein wrote:
> In my "small" distribution, I was able to take advantage of the fact
> that python.exe looks in the current directory for site.py if there is
> nothing in the registry. The site.py then proceeds to bootstrap the
> import system.
> Not if you deliberately
> which cuts the registry out entirely.
> For my installer / standalone, I deliberately muck with the
> environment before loading python and executing the "main" script.
> This is what I use for standalone apps. We just drop the whole
> tree into the application. site.py lives in the Python directory,
> as a special version. This suffices, since then no other path
> than "." is needed to boot.
> And that's the only annoyance: You need to take care of
> environment space, which is unfortunately not big enough
> very often. I think a special python.exe for this purpose
> would be handy, which just ignores all registry, sets
> the path to the executable's directory, and done.
A Windows user normally sets the "Start in" directory in
the shortcut to something other than the directory of the
binary. In other words, the current directory "." is unreliable.
Users can right-click their icon and change it.
I don't like changing other people's registry either. In
fact our bank customers hate it when we do. I don't trust
the environment PYTHONPATH either. So we can't be sure
the site.py bootstrap is bullet-proof. Please stand by
while I try to clarify my thoughts...
Jim Ahlstrom