Finding VC (Was: Re: [Distutils] WinNT and distutils)

Guido van Rossum guido@CNRI.Reston.VA.US
Tue, 01 Feb 2000 10:49:05 -0500

> 1. Convince Guido to give python 1.6 registry access in the core.
> I'm currently working on such a module.

Sure.  Mail it to me ASAP.  You'll also have to snail-mail me a wet
signature on the conbtribution release form:  (I apologize for this
sillyness, our lawyers require it and who am I to argue with them...)

> 2. (>=1.6) Use the registry to find Path, Include, and Lib
> directories for VC, and supply them on the command line.
> 3. (<1.6) Try to import win32api and win32con, and use Robins
> code to find the directories. If this also fails, inform the user
> that the environment must be set up for VC by running
> vcvars32.bat, and restarting
>  Note that it also may be possible the VC is not installed at all!

Or the wrong version.

--Guido van Rossum (home page: