[Distutils] Package installation strategy !
Michel Sanner
Mon Oct 23 15:40:25 2000
I had a look at Python2.0 over the week end and I noticed that the installation
procedure creates a site-packages directory under $prefix but not under
Is there a consensus about wher packages containing a mix of .py and .so files
should go ?
Should we ise the PyOpenGL strategy of extending the path with a sub-directory
for platform specific stuff at run time ? or should we place all .so files in
lib-dynload ? or should we have a site-packages under $exec_prefix and
duplicate the .py files (my concern here is not disk space but rather keeping
these files in sync!)
I know I have already brought this up ! so forgive me .... but I rather have a
mechanism allowing Python to search platform dependent extensions first (to get
fast versions if they are available) and then search platform independent
packages even if a package match has be found earlier.
Thanks for any thoughts/hints/advise on this
>>>>>>>>>> AREA CODE CHANGE <<<<<<<<< we are now 858 !!!!!!!
Michel F. Sanner Ph.D. The Scripps Research Institute
Assistant Professor Department of Molecular Biology
10550 North Torrey Pines Road
Tel. (858) 784-2341 La Jolla, CA 92037
Fax. (858) 784-2860
sanner@scripps.edu http://www.scripps.edu/sanner