[Distutils] Header installation

Moore, Paul Paul.Moore@uk.origin-it.com
Thu Mar 29 04:09:01 2001

From: M.-A. Lemburg [mailto:mal@lemburg.com]
> This again defaults to:
>     'unix_prefix': # without PYTHONHOME set
>         'headers': '$base/include/python$py_version_short/$dist_name',
>     'unix_home': # with PYTHONHOME set
>         'headers': '$base/include/python/$dist_name',
>     'nt':
>         'headers': '$base/Include/$dist_name',
>     'mac':
>         'headers': '$base/Include/$dist_name',

I think the original poster was saying that he wanted to use something other
than $dist_name in these. Whether allowing that is a reasonable idea, I
can't say. But it's very different from wanting to alter the base install


PS Do the installers butlt by distutils (bdist_wininst and the like) respect
setup.cfg? If not, I believe they should. Or at least, the installer should
include a way for the end user to specify an alternative install