[Distutils] Header installation
Konrad Hinsen
Thu Mar 29 05:36:01 2001
> This again defaults to:
> 'unix_prefix': # without PYTHONHOME set
> 'headers': '$base/include/python$py_version_short/$dist_name',
> 'unix_home': # with PYTHONHOME set
> 'headers': '$base/include/python/$dist_name',
> 'nt':
> 'headers': '$base/Include/$dist_name',
> 'mac':
> 'headers': '$base/Include/$dist_name',
> At least in theory, adding the install_header option to your
> setup.cfg file should do the trick.
If I know the precise path name, yes. But I don't. Perhaps I could
install_headers = "$base/include/python$py_version_short/xxx"
in setup.cfg and have the variables expanded (I didn't check if this
works), but I'd still have to assume a specific installation scheme.
What I really want is replace $dist_name with the name of my package,
for the rest I fully trust distutils.
Anyway, for the moment I am giving up; I'll continue with my own
home-grown installation scripts instead of switching to distutils. For
my next project, I'd need a subdirectory within the main header file
directory, and that seems completely beyond the capabilities of
distutils in its current form. I suppose I could do it with extensions
to distutils, but at the moment I simply don't have the time to figure
this out without any documentation.
And here's yet another challenge: I have a package that produces a new
Python interpreter (including a module that has to be static), which
should be installed to something like /usr/local/bin. Perhaps that
could be done via the data file installation, but then again I don't
have the time to figure it out at the moment.
Konrad Hinsen | E-Mail: hinsen@cnrs-orleans.fr
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