[Distutils] Killing off bdist_dumb

Andrew MacIntyre Andrew.MacIntyre@aba.gov.au
Wed Nov 13 20:46:13 2002

> Andrew, was the use of full paths the problem that kept you 
> from using 
> it?

It wouldn't have helped, but I can't recall the details.

I'll have to dig into this, as it would be useful to avoid the manual 
packaging I do at the moment (not that that's a great deal).

> The options are:
>    1) leave it as-is, broken and useless.  (The current state; this 
> seems pointless.)
>    2) fix it
>    3) rip it out

I agree that 1) is pointless.

Andrew MacIntyre                  \ E-mail: andrew.macintyre@aba.gov.au
Planning & Licensing Branch        \ Tel:   +61 2 6256 2812
Australian Broadcasting Authority   \ Fax:  +61 2 6253 3277
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