[Distutils] Redhat RPM for PyXML 0.8.2?
M.-A. Lemburg
Tue Apr 15 03:34:04 2003
[From a discussion on xml-sig about problems with RedHat8]
Martin v. L=F6wis wrote:
> Craeg Strong <cstrong@arielpartners.com> writes:
>>Yes, this function does not exist in Python 2.1.3 (win2K)
>>I am sure that upgrading to Python 2.2.2 would fix this
>>problem, and I will certainly do this as soon as Zope
>>2.7 is released...
> Ah, ok. So I guess you are more-or-less out of luck. We simply cannot
> support building RPMs on Python 2.1, and Redhat 8: You either need an
> older RPM package (where rpm -ba still works), or a newer Python
> (where rpmbuild is used).
> Replacing distutils wholesale should probably work, as well, but no
> distutils release is forthcoming.
Since Python 2.3 will ship with the last distutils version
which is compatible with Python 1.5.2 I think it would be a good idea
do another release...
Marc-Andre Lemburg
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