[Distutils] Possible problem using disutils

M.-A. Lemburg mal@lemburg.com
Wed Mar 5 12:55:08 2003

CP Hennessy wrote:
> Hi,
> On Wednesday 05 March 2003 16:27, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
>>Zope comes with its own copy of Python which doesn't register
>>itself in the Windows registry. To use the above package
> Ah!
>>outside you will have to install Python using the standard
>>installers that are available on python.org.
> But will this then mean that when I install python as you suggest the 
> software from the package I want to install will only work with this python
> or will I be able to get it to work with the python from Zope ?

It will likely not work from within Zope.

Please ask on the Zope mailing lists on how to install packages
for use within Zope. It would also be wise to complain about Zope
not registering the Python version on Windows :-) (because that
would make likfe a lot easier)

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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