[Distutils] distributing a large python application

Thomas Heller theller at python.net
Thu Sep 18 15:21:32 EDT 2003

Jesse Hammons <jessehammons at yahoo.com> writes:

> I am looking for advice on how to trip down the size of a monothic
> application I am building with python/wxPython.
> I have tried freeze.py and similar, but that just seems to make things
> bigger.
> Are there tools that do a static analysis of python code to list which
> packages are actually used?

Yes, used by freeze, for example. It's the modulefinder script, which is
now (2.3) also in the standard library.

>  What about a dynamic analysis (I run my
> app, then dump the list of loaded modules and just ship those).

See sys.modules.


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