[Distutils] Simple question

Simon Burton simon at arrowtheory.com
Thu Apr 8 02:48:43 EDT 2004

On Wed, 7 Apr 2004 16:54:06 -0400 
"Schere, David W. (DSCHERE)" <DSCHERE at arinc.com> wrote:

> Hello,
>    I am a newbie and am greatly impressed with what little I have seen
> concerning distutils. You guys did
> a phenominal job! 
> Here is the question:
> I want to install a trivial one module python script like the one below: 
> from Tkinter import *
> def clicked():
>   print "I've been clicked"
> t = Tk()
> Button(t,
>   text="click me",
>   command=clicked ).pack()
> t.mainloop()
> ... to a target machine that is a "virgin" win32 box with no python. 
> Is there a boiler plate setup.py script out there that I can use as a
> starting point that would give me 
> Python+Tkinter. 
> I have python for windows installed under c:\Python22.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks a lot for distutils !

If you want everything bundled together you might try py2exe :
Here is the version you want:


Simon Burton, B.Sc.
Licensed PO Box 8066
ANU Canberra 2601
Ph. 61 02 6249 6940

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