[Distutils] Import extensions from zipfiles (windows only)

M.-A. Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Thu Dec 16 16:42:59 CET 2004

Phillip J. Eby wrote:
> At 10:14 AM 12/16/2004 +0100, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
>> I wonder why you put so much effort into avoiding the unzip
>> of the file ? What's so bad about it ?
> I mostly don't want it to be a manual step. 

Isn't that an application feature rather than a distutils one ?

I mean distutils can help the application by packing everything
up nicely in a ZIP file, but the application has to take care
of getting the ZIP file and installing it - like most over-the-web
installers do nowadays.

> I think Thomas would also 
> like to have the option of py2exe generating single-file 
> "installation-free" executables, even if an application includes 
> extensions.  (That's not a plugins issue, of course.)

That's a valid case. However, I'd consider that a cosmetic
thing: the days of one .exe does it all, drop-into c:\windows
are long over :-/

>> In the end, the user will want "plugins" to be easily installable,
>> e.g. have the application install them for him. For that to
>> work, the most important part is a download manager. The rest
>> (unzip into the plugin directory) can easily be done using
>> standard distutils tools.
> Well, as long as they're either unzipped into different directories, or 
> there is only one version of each plugin needed.  But, it'd also be nice 
> to be able to just put zipfiles on the Python path and share them 
> between applications for some plugins.

Sharing plugins is a different concept than having
managing multiple plugins for a single application.

It's a matter of who owns the plugin installation location.

If all applications come from the same vendor, then the
usual approach is to have a vendor specific base dir and
then a shared/ directory for shared resources.

If the applications come from different vendors, you'd
have to define a standard location for the applications
to look for plugins. The standard then owns the location.

Most likely the installation will have to be done by
an administrator, unless you want to run into permission

> One big advantage to this is that platform-specific packagers (RPM et 
> al) could be made to simply dump the zipfiles in an all-purpose location 
> like /lib/pythonXX/site-packages, and not have to worry about version 
> conflicts.  A script or application could call a utility routine to add 
> the needed items to sys.path at runtime.  Something like 
> 'require("Twisted>=1.1.0")' to search the existing sys.path for an 
> appropriately-named directory or zipfile, and push it on the front of 
> sys.path.

Right, but that's all possible today: simply create directories
under site-packages/ that are not Python package directories and
contain the version number, e.g.


The rest of the logic can then be done in Python and
placed into a helper module:

import syspathtools
syspathtools.use('egenix-mx-base >= 2.1')
from mx import DateTime

> Of course, with the proper metadata in the zipfiles (or their unpacked 
> versions), the routine could also search for the necessary dependencies, 
> and check for version conflicts.

You'd probably want to place the meta data into the
version directories as PKG-INFO file. However, this
is only necessary if you plan to do the dependency
checking *before* actually using the plugin.

In the normal situation, you'd just do dynamic checking
and then report the problem as run-time error.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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