[Distutils] ANN: py2app 0.1.1
Bob Ippolito
bob at redivi.com
Wed Oct 6 07:36:53 CEST 2004
`py2app`_ is the bundlebuilder replacement we've all been waiting for.
It is implemented as a distutils command, similar to `py2exe`_, that
builds Mac OS X applications from Python scripts, extensions, and
related data files. It tries very hard to include all dependencies it
can find so that your application can be distributed standalone, as Mac
OS X applications should be.
`py2app`_ 0.1.1 is primarily a bugfix release:
* Several problems related to Mac OS X 10.2 compatibility and
standalone building have been resolved
* Scripts that are not in the same directory as setup.py now work
* A new recipe has been added that removes the pydoc -> Tkinter
* A recipe has been added for py2app itself
* a `wxPython`_ example (superdoodle) has been added. Demonstrates
not only how easy it is (finally!) to bundle `wxPython`_ applications,
but also how one setup.py can deal with both `py2exe`_ and `py2app`_.
* A new experimental tool, py2applet, has been added. Once you've
built it (``python setup.py py2app``, of course), you should be able to
build simple applications simply by dragging your main script and
optionally any packages, data files, Info.plist and icon it needs.
Known issues:
* Includes *all* files from packages, it should be smart enough to
strip unused .py/.pyc/.pyo files (to save space, depending on which
optimization flag is used).
* The default PyRuntimeLocations can cause problems on machines that
have a /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework installed. Workaround is
to set a plist that has the following key:
Versions/2.3/Python']`` (this will be resolved soon)
Download and related links are here:
.. _`wxPython`: http://www.wxpython.org/
.. _`py2app`: http://undefined.org/python/#py2app
.. _`py2exe`: http://starship.python.net/crew/theller/py2exe/
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