[Distutils] Can distutils manage static libraries and fortran compilers ?

Berthold Höllmann berthold at despammed.com
Thu Jun 30 12:32:06 CEST 2005

mathieu gontier <mathieu.gontier at fft.be> writes:

> Hello
> I work on an finite element framework and Python bindings have been
> developped.
> Actually, we use Boost.Build as build system but we would like to
> change it.
> We have two kinds of problems. First, the framework is used for
> generate pure C++ applications with static libraries ; second, the
> framework have some dependencies to fortran projects.
> Then, in order to know if Distutils can be use in our case, I would
> like to know if :
> - Can distutil compile static C/C++ libraries ?


> - Can distutil compile C/C++ applications ?

Yes, with some extra code in the setup file.

> - Can distutil manage fortran compiler and compile fortran libraries
> and applications ?

Yes, in collaboration with scipy_distutils

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