[Distutils] distutils bug.
Titus Brown
titus at caltech.edu
Sun May 22 00:55:25 CEST 2005
-> >it seems that distutils doesn't recognize '.zip' files as being part of
-> >packages, so if I have the following structure,
-> >
-> > twill/__init__.py
-> > twill/pyparsing.zip
-> > twill/mechanize.zip
-> > twill/shell.py
-> > twill/commands.py
-> >
-> >then packages = ['twill',] doesn't install the .zip files.
-> With Python >=2.4, or with the setuptools package, you can add something
-> like this to your setup options:
-> setup(
-> ...
-> package_data = {'': ['*.zip']}
-> )
-> And .zip files will be then installed. See:
-> http://docs.python.org/dist/node11.html
-> for documentation on the package_data option.
Ahh, fantastic, thanks. I read up to section 2.4 but wasn't sure what
to look for, so gave up & just read Quixote's code.
-> (By the way, the behavior you describe is not a "bug"; it's distutils'
-> current documented behavior.)
It's hard to know how to respond to that... "MS Windows may
occasionally crash." ;)
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